Acquiris is a member-driven organization and recognizes the following types of membership:
Within one month after the confirmation, the Board of Directors will examine the documents and decide on the prospective member’s acceptance in line with the eligibility criteria. The decision of the board will be communicated in writing to the prospective member, together with a statement on licensing rights and cost-sharing principles.
With respect to Observers, the Board of Directors will decide on a 2/3 majority basis on the acceptance. There are no specific eligibility criteria.
In both the case of a prospective member and prospective observer, the Board of Directors will not expound in their decision.
As part of their enrolment procedure, members will agree on their specific terms when joining the organization. The details of these terms will be shared with other members.
The Organization uses clear, transparent and non-discriminatory joining criteria for the admission of new members. The prospect member should:
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