C-TAP delivers a terminal specification that allows multi-acquirer multi-brand card transaction processing and reflects the arrangements a merchant has made with one or more acquirers for card acceptance of one or more brands on a standardized payment terminal infrastructure.
Acquiris manages card selection criteria and the acquirers’ connectivity data. These are remotely loaded to terminals. The merchant selection of brands and acquirers is stored in the terminal for immediate card recognition. Each acquirer can customize its transaction flow.
Reflect the arrangements a merchant made with one or more acquirers for card acceptance of one or more brands on a standardised payment terminal infrastructure
C-TAP Delivers a terminal specification that allows multi-acquirer multi-brand card transaction processing. Acquiris manages card selection criteria and the acquirers’ connectivity data. These are remotely loaded to terminals. The merchant selection of brands and acquirers is stored in the terminal for immediate card recognition. Each acquirer can customise its transaction flow.
Provide specifications that describe how chip, mag-stripe and contactless cards and NFC smartphones interface with the terminal application.
C-TAP Interfaces to the kernel specification provided by EMVCo and, for contactless payments, by the major schemes.
Provide specifications that describe how card transactions are initiated and processed following, where suitable, the recommendations of the EPC/CSG Book of Requirements.
C-TAP provides detailed specifications
for transaction processing:
● attended and unattended terminals ●
● multiple card data capture and cardholder validation methods ●
● direct and deferred (petrol) payments ●
● on-line and off-line modes of operation ●
● payments, partial approval, cash advance, pre-authorisation, update pre-authorisation, payment completion, card validity check, cancellation, refund, voice referral, back-up modes ●
● direct currency conversion ●
As an individual terminal connects to multiple acquirers, each acquirer must be in position to safely load the acquirer specific symmetric keys to this terminal for on-line PIN transmission and message authentication.
C-TAP provides a mechanism to safely load multiple sets of keys to terminals under the control of the acquirer and the support of a Security Provider function.
Even if the transactional business logic is leading, the message flow between a terminal and the multiple acquiring hosts must be precisely described, preferably relying on international standards.
The C-TAP specifications rely on a central data dictionary. Data fields and messages are presently described using the TagLength-Value methodology also used by EMVCo (ISO/IEC 8824-1 and ISO/IEC 8825-1).
Terminals can connect to acquirers using multiple telecommunication channels.
The C-TAP specifications support PSTN, ISDN, GSM, broadband internet, virtual private networks, GPRS … IP connectivity can be protected by TLS/SSL3 mutual authentication.
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